Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Given the new tax changes, many accountants and advisors are recommending Capital Stripping. Before you say yes, is there a better alternative that is more tax efficient? You better listen to this before you jump into Capital Stripping.
I am also excited to announce my upcoming virtual Financial Workshop on Sept 17th, 2021.
"What would your future self tell you in 30 years that you need to hear now?" Empower your future self now.
Please visit: www.beautifultimesinc.ca/conferenceandworkshops
Space is limited to 20 attendees!
To connect with me for mentorship/coaching/consulting related questions, please also visit: www.financialhealthdoc.com
Or email me at hmfhd2020@gmail.com
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
It is my belief that a well diversified investment portfolio should include equities, bonds (ok maybe not in this low rate environment), ETFs, insurance products, real-estate, and non-correlated investment products. It should also include REITs (which could be part of your non-correlated investment portfolio). But what are REITs you ask? Well, I (ok maybe not me, but my guest) have all the answers. Listen to learn more.
This episode is sponsored by:
Alignvest Student Housing REIT (ASH REIT) is a private REIT focused on consolidating the highly fragmented purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) sector in Canada. Over three years, ASH REIT has acquired 10 high-quality properties with 4,200 beds valued at $550 million. ASH REIT has a proven track record, and demonstrated resiliency and stability through the pandemic – delivering an annualized return of 10.5% to investors, including an attractive tax-efficient distribution of 5.3%, paid monthly.
Sanjil Shah is the Managing Partner of Alignvest Student Housing REIT. He is a CPA and has almost 20 years of experience in real estate and investment management, having previously built one of Canada’s largest self-storage real estate businesses. Sanjil is also a Managing Partner of Alignvest Management Corporation, a private investment firm.
Additional information is available at alignveststudenthousing.com.
I am also excited to announce my upcoming virtual Financial Workshop on Sept 17th, 2021.
"What would your future self tell you in 30 years that you need to hear now?" Empower your future self now.
Please visit: www.beautifultimesinc.ca/conferenceandworkshops
Space is limited to 20 attendees!
To connect with me for mentorship/coaching/consulting related questions, please also visit: www.financialhealthdoc.com
Or email me at hmfhd2020@gmail.com
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
A few episodes back, we learned about private pension plans (IPP and PPP). We know what the benefits and drawbacks are. But there is 1 particular aspect of these pensions that deserve its own episode. This feature of the private pension plan (that is most powerful inside the PPP) is the most powerful of all the features. If you have children, you must know this!
I also am excited to announce my upcoming virtual Financial Workshop on Sept 17th, 2021.
"What would your future self tell you in 30 years that you need to hear now?"
Empower your future self now.
Please visit: www.beautifultimesinc.ca/conferenceandworkshops
Space is limited to 20 attendees!
To connect with me for mentorship/coaching/consulting related questions, please also visit: www.financialhealthdoc.com
Or email me at hmfhd2020@gmail.com
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Why do healthcare professionals love to invest in real-estate?
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Everyone likes to invest in real-estate. Healthcare professionals loves to invest in real-estate. Do you know why? If you are not invested in real-estate, should you? What are the incentives and the disincentives of investing in real-estate? This episode will try to answer some of these questions.
This episode is sponsored by another Emerg Doc, Dr Fred Voon, who has just come out with a new book called ‘Your Inside Guide To the Emergency Department… And How to Prevent Having To Go’
We hear the same questions and complaints in waiting rooms coast to coast. This book answers them.
People want to know how they can stay out of the Emergency Department, or how to get seen, and get out as quick as possible.
Dr Voon takes 15 years of experience and puts it into this book that you will want to give to your family and friends.
So he’s giving away books to the first 5 Canadians that respond on his website DrVoon.ca and to every 50th Canadian until the promotion expires.
You can buy his book online, special order it at your local bookstore, or ask your local library to add it to their collection.
I also am excited to announce my upcoming virtual Financial Workshop on Sept 17th, 2021.
"What would your future self tell you in 30 years that you need to hear now?"
Empower your future self now.
Please visit: www.beautifultimesinc.ca/conferenceandworkshops
Space is limited to 20 attendees!
To connect with me for mentorship/coaching/consulting related questions, please also visit: www.financialhealthdoc.com
Or email me at hmfhd2020@gmail.com
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Persistent Quality Part-time Effort is a powerful concept that all physicians must understand. Whether you want to call it Side Hustle or Multiple Revenue Stream, the power is in the financial freedom that it offers from your everyday professional life. One might say "isn't it enough that I am a physician? Why do I need to do something else?". The new medical profession is unlike the old medical professional. Just in a span of 25 years, I have seen it change before my own eyes. Within these changes, the question is "Can I afford not to change myself?".
I also am excited to announce my upcoming virtual Financial Workshop on Sept 17th, 2021.
The first one (June 4th 2021) was a success. Thank you for your support!
"What would your future self tell you in 30 years that you need to hear now?"
Empower your Future self now.
Please visit: www.beautifultimesinc.ca/conferenceandworkshops
Space is limited to 20 attendees!
To connect with me for mentorship/coaching related questions, please also visit: www.financialhealthdoc.com
Or email me at hmfhd2020@gmail.com
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Find your Zen and rebalance!
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Friday Jun 25, 2021
You hear about "rebalancing" often. What is it in fact? What is the purpose of rebalancing? How should you do it? Hear some answers here.
My guest David MacNicol from MacNicol & Associates Asset Management will help us learn more about Rebalancing.
I also am excited to announce my upcoming virtual Financial Workshop on Sept 17th, 2021.
The first one (June 4th 2021) was a success. Thank you for your support!
"What would your future self tell you in 30 years that you need to hear now?"
Empower your Future self now.
Please visit: www.beautifultimesinc.ca/conferenceandworkshops
Space is limited to 20 attendees!
To connect with me for mentorship/coaching related questions, please also visit: www.financialhealthdoc.com
Or email me at hmfhd2020@gmail.com
Saturday May 22, 2021
How much Life Insurance should I get? A very simple question.
Saturday May 22, 2021
Saturday May 22, 2021
At some point in our life, we will be purchasing life insurance. When that time comes, hopefully our broker will educate us on how they help us determine how much life insurance is needed. To answer this simple questions, it could become quite complicated. Here is an episode to help us understand why that is.
I also am excited to announce my upcoming virtual Financial Workshop on June 4th, 2021.
"What would your future self tell you in 30 years that you need to hear now?"
Empower your Future self now.
Please visit: www.beautifultimesinc.ca/conferenceandworkshops
Space is limited to 100 attendees!
To connect with me for mentorship/coaching related questions, please also visit: www.financialhealthdoc.com
Or email me at hmfhd2020@gmail.com
Saturday May 08, 2021
Saturday May 08, 2021
Let's start with the premise that we all want to help people - the reason why we decided to go into medicine or nursing. We are all good people. We want to do good for people and our community. Then why did we end up with a College complaint? Are we bad people then? Why do others want to complain about us? Let me tell you, it is a confidence destroyer when that happens. It is also a real source of burnout.
Have you ever had a College complaint (yes! the one no one wants to say by name)? You may know why you had the complaint, but do you know the root cause of why you ended up there? If you do not see it, it is just a question of time that another complaint will be at your doorstep.
If you have not had a College complaint, then, congratulations! But how can you prevent one? Listen to see if it makes sense.
I also am excited to announce my upcoming virtual Financial Workshop on June 4th, 2021.
"What would your future self tell you in 30 years that you need to hear now?"
Empower your Future self now.
Please visit: www.beautifultimesinc.ca/conferenceandworkshops
Space is limited to 100 attendees!
Please also visit: www.financialhealthdoc.com
Email me at hmfhd2020@gmail.com
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
RESP Hacks: Make your money go even further!
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
I made a lot of financial mistakes in my time and it is the main reason I decided to learn all that I can learn about personal finance. It is the main driver for me launching this podcast back in April 2020. But one mistake I regret the most is the setting up of the RESP for my son. That will be a podcast episode on its own in a near future. Then, when I set up my RESP account for my daughter, I thought I had corrected those previous mistakes. But now, I realize I could have done even better. My god, when does the learning stop? I know the answer, it was just a rhetorical question. Now, listen to these hacks and take advantage of them if you can.
I am excited to announce my upcoming virtual Financial Workshop on June 4th, 2021.
"What would your future self tell you in 30 years that you need to hear now?"
Empower your Future self now.
Please visit: www.beautifultimesinc.ca/conferenceandworkshops
Space is limited to 100 attendees!
Please also visit: www.financialhealthdoc.com
Email me at hmfhd2020@gmail.com
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Therapy for the wallet - 3: Should I incorporate?
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
I am sure you have asked this question before: Should I incorporate? A question that have been asked by HCPs since 2009. Well, now, Cherry Chan CPA will answer this questions for you. If you do not listen to this episode, your wallet will resent you for a long long time!
I am excited to announce my upcoming virtual Financial Workshop on June 4th, 2021.
"What would your future self tell you in 30 years that you need to hear now?"
Empower your Future self now.
Please visit: www.beautifultimesinc.ca/conferenceandworkshops
Space is limited to 100 attendees!
Please also visit: www.financialhealthdoc.com
Email me at hmfhd2020@gmail.com