Monday Dec 04, 2023
Top 10 financial mistakes made by physicians in late-stage career - Part 1
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Monday Dec 04, 2023
We did episodes on "Top 10 financial mistakes" made by physicians in early and mid-stage career. Late-stage physicians need not feel left out. Here is an episode for the late-stage career physicians. It is important to recognize that most of the financial mistakes in late-stage career are consequences of things not done in early and mid-stage career. But not all hope is lost. Many things can still be corrected. But better yet, for physicians in early or mid-stage career, this is a good episode to learn how not to get to this point!
For feedback of comments, please email me at HMFHD2020@gmail.com
We also launched a financial literacy conference for physicians in February 2nd, 2024.
The Code Green Financial Literacy Conference.
Designed by physicians, for physicians.
Early bird special until Dec 31st, 2023.
Visit us at www.codegreenfinancial.com
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Code Green Financial Literacy Conference for physicians
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
This is an advertisement for a financial literacy conference Dr. Sen, Dr. Long, and myself have created for physicians. This conference was designed by physicians for physicians, discussing person finance topics geared for physicians. Hope to see you there!
The early bird special end on December 31st, 2023. So, register soon.
To learn more and to register, please visit www.codegreenfinancial.com
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Canadian physicians have recently been heavily promoted on a new Multi-Employer Pension Plan (MEPP).
What is this new MEPP? How is it structured? How do physicians fund it?
What are the benefits?
What are the drawbacks?
Let's look beyond the sales and marketing information.
Let's look underneath the hood to truly assess this MEPP.
To leave me feedback or comments, please email me at hmfhd2020@gmail.com.
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Top 10 financial mistakes made by mid-career physicians
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Physicians and almost all providers in healthcare have very poor financial literacy. It is very common for us to make financial mistakes. The sad news is that most of us are not even aware of them. As we progress in our career, we hope that we finally "arrived". We might have done so professionally in medicine. However, have we "arrived" financially?
I am also letting the audience know of our inaugural Code Green Conference on Feb 2nd, 2024 at the Novotel Hotel in North York. It is an all-day jam full of financial knowledge. Save the Date! More details to come soon. If you don't come for the knowledge, at least come for the Wine&Cheese!
As usual, if you have any comments or feedback, please email me at hmfhd2020@gmail.com
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
As physicians, we make a lot of financial mistakes. Some of us are aware, but most of us are not aware we are making them. This is because we have blinders on. We are lead astray by our cognitive traps. In this podcast, we discuss of some them with Dr. Ketan Kulkarni.
To leave your comments, please email me at hmfhd2020@gmail.com
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Many of our colleagues have been instructed by accountants to use a "Dividends Only" strategy to take money into the personal hands. This strategy may be valid for some, but not for most (at least not after 2014). Unfortunately, despite the changes in the law, our colleagues have not been instructed to change strategy. This persistence down the same path may have major detrimental repercussions. Learn what these repercussions could be and how they apply (or not) to you.
If you want to leave me feedback or comments, please email me at hmfhd2020@gmail.com.
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Many of us use banks. But most of us don't understand the banking industry. I surely don't understand fully the industry myself. That is why we have a guest on today to explain the underbelly of the banking industry and what the banks don't want you to know. This conversation with an ex-banker is honest, blunt, and edgy. I hope you're ready for it.
To leave me feedback, please email me at hmfhd2020@gmail.com
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
We all Canadian physicians have been yearning for a pension plan for the profession for approximately 120 years. No one has taken the time or given the effort to create one for us. That time has come. I, the co-founder of the Canadian Physicians' Pension Plan, have designed one that meet the needs of Canadian physicians. It is designed specifically for us.
98% of us are in RRSP, a vehicle designed for middle income individuals. It is not the ideal retirement vehicle and tax tool for Canadian physicians. A pension plan is.
Here is why.
If you have any comments or feedback, please email me at hmfhd2020@gmail.com
If you want to understand more about the Canadian Physicians' Pension Plan, please visit www.canadianphysicianspensionplan.ca
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Things you should know about retail banking - Confessions of an Ex-banker (Part 1)
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Many of us use banks. But most of us don't understand the banking industry. I surely don't understand fully the industry myself. That is why we have a guest on today to explain the underbelly of the banking industry and what the banks don't want you to know. This conversation with an ex-banker is honest, blunt, and edgy. I hope you're ready for it.
To leave me feedback, please email me at hmfhd2020@gmail.com
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Financial teaching points for foreign trained physicians (and many others)!
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
This is an episode I recorded with my good friend Saad Nadeem, a CFP who helps foreign trained physicians in Canada. The concepts we talked about are not just for foreign trained physicians. Many of my colleagues trained in Canada are still suffering from the challenges we discussed. The learning points are relevant and real, very real. It is my strong belief that physician burnout is tied to financial well-being. Listen to see if you agree.
If you want to leave me with feedback or comments, please email me at HMFHD2020@gmail.com